These past few days, I’m feeling so low. Since Monday, I always wake up with the gloomy sky (literally) and arrive at my review class always almost late but today, the Mother Nature seemed like want to cheer me up. This morning I woke up with sun shining so bright, I can feel its energy replenishing me and blessing me with resilience.
Do things happen for a reason or Things happen and we give them reasons in favor to boost our egos.I don’t know.
I am really enthusiastic going back to class but my frustration towards my O.R. and D.R. completion of cases always pull me down. Like 6 feet beyond the ground.
Worrying keeps me moving but it won’t get me anywhere. I know. On the other hand, I don’t exactly know why I’m feeling this way.
P.S. I had a compliment from our reviewer today, I pray his words will come true. : )
I discovered my Uni loves photography even before It has come to my senses that there’s such thing. Take a look at this photo that she took. The flowers blooming graciously even in a bad weather.
Sometimes I just wanna be gigolo.
Who can make a boisterous laugh even in a bad day.
who can jump around and disappear as fast as THIS!
This entry is entitled "sunshine" just because of the sun shining that you can see at the upper left of my page =) Isn't it better than to name this post as "UNTITLED"?
Hello blog world! I’m back from the outerspace!
Been busy and feeling low for quite a while so I decided to changed my blog theme into something bright (to lift up my spirit ). I still need 1 DR case and 2 major cases. : ( it took away my excitement of having review classes. Anyway, I have 3 stories for you.
STRESSLESS IS STRESSFUL. Wake up late. Pig out. Web Lurking. Sleep late. That’s just a boring lifestyle. I’ve been semi-idle since I graduate and I realized how sucky to have a bum life! I’m not used to be not busy, stress has always been a part of my life. I’m not used to live without it. I wanna have review classes nah, at least I have something to focus on instead of worrying of my cases!
This is what we call, ENJOYING LIFE. I admit, my ABSdomen is getting flabby, I’m not pregnant for the record it’s just that I’m getting fat. My friends say that, “ate, you’re not sexy na” lol But I still weigh 47kgs, no change for 4 years at all. Guess I’ll never meet my 50kgs goal. Boooo! : (
CAMPEONE. When I was watching, I can’t help but smile! I am very pleased to know that a woman from our place named, Mary Jean Balse became Shakey’s Vleague two-time MVP. As most aficionados expected that it would be a tight game, coach shaq was able to push his players to the limits outgamed San Sebastian College 3 straight defeat, 25-18, 25-20, 25-22. The energy was so on as everything seems to go right in favor for the lady tigers. Balse lead the team with Maiza’s 14 points. UST’s tall players offensively construct firm wall of Espaňa along the net, not allowing the ladies from Recto to gain point. Simple yet very effective hits plus aces by Co also contribute a lot in the final match. Ortiz’s quick attack also worsen the bad reception of the opponents. Must mention the conference’s best setter and final’s MVP, Rhea Dimaculangan’s excellent performance with an average 80-85% success rate. (pretty high lah~).
Too bad for our fave thai import Jang Bualee who faild for the fifth time in four years to lead the stags to the championship. Better luck in October maybe. Now, isn't this a beautiful photo?
Rumors say that the crowd fave Angeli Tabaquero who was spotted with former captain Venus Bernal will be back to the team for the next UAAP season.
Come what may, Lady Tigers supporters are ONE for UST
photos courtesy to: Dondi Nolasco and Joey Villaluz, thank yah!
I feel like the goddess of writing has not yet enlightened me. Ergo, the first step I did in creating this entry is that I turned my laptop upside down to retrieve photos that I had spent with foods wrapped in yellow and blue. Blessed to find some…
Photo taken during my senior year in college, first semester (2007) when we had our out of town duty. We had a double birthday celebration for our dear clinical instructor Ma’am Wen and our groupmate Dora. (Don’t mind us, the three people at the back, we’re a little cam whore)
But when was the first time these foods in yellow and blue entered my life? During my prime when I was 13 years old at my dear Uni’s debut celebration, I could only remember 2 things. One, my pop cried in bliss because his baby transfigured into a lady. Second is the look of my uni’s cake. It was just now that I have come to realized that her cake was exactly like, like, like this: Oh la la la! That’s goldilocks!
Every important event, when we celebrate. Goldilocks is always there.
Photos taken during the birthday of my groupmate, Mao when we went back to our city yet still on duty. It’s just really amazing how a cake can do. We gave these gifts (image below) to one of our clinical instructors as a form of appreciation and peace offering for the severe headache that we’ve caused to her. Honestly, we were quite scared whenever she becomes toxic. We giggled when we saw her smiling (which she rarely do during those times) while she receiving our gifts. An ecstacy! (2008)
My last rotation as a student nurse was Practicing Clinical Instructor which was a very big challenge since I have to act like a Clinical Instructor. The most important lesson I learned was the importance of establishing rapport. It was such a beautiful experience to have people that you call students who respect you and value you as a person. And what is a culmination party without the pastries from the number one bakeshop? (2009)
Filipinos love to eat and it’s not just eating, it’s pigging out! : ) but why do we chose goldilocks as part of our fave foods? Is it:
A. They hire super artistic grandsons and granddaughters of Da Vinci and they are trained to stretch those lips and smile to brighten up your day.
B. They know how to compensate the different choices on taste. (I’m drooling 10 liters of spittle at the moment. )
C. They give freebies like this NINA cd and maybe they will give me mini laptop. ^^ The answer: All of the above plus letter D.
D. Goldilocks is already part of Filipino culture. It has already been a witness of every momentous moment that we had and we will continue to celebrate with it in future celebrations.
A Spanish and Chinese descent yet hard working mosquitoes sucked much blood made a hundred and one percent Filipina. Thank you for visiting my BLOG and droppin some LOVE. Alzheimer’s runs in our family, according to Time Magazine exercising your brain cells can hinder the disease progress yet Youngcampbell insists too much use of neurons can lead you to psychiatric pavilion.