Kate was craving for ice cream this afternoon so we bought some. Before we could cross the street there was this street kid who asked for my ice cream. As much as I love Ice cream, my tonsils are starting to get crazy maybe because of my consecutive drinking of vanilla and mango shake.
So I gave him my....
To my surprise, he just turned his back and didn't even say thank you. *drop jaw* WOW! that kid has an attitude. I told him, "hey! where's my thank you?"but he never turned back and just continued walking.
Here's what that kid taught me. When you give, never expect them to do good for you in return. When you give, don't mind if you'll be rewarded, just do it for free!
Meanwhile, Nuffnang's Asia Pacific Blog Awards 2009 is up! Nice to know. Jim Paredes is nominated for best celebrity blog. Take note, he is currently the only Filipino in the category.
Jim Paredes. COOL LEH? ^^
Jim Paredes is a Filipino musician, producer, photographer, educator, writer, television personality, educator, workshop facilitator, and activist best known for being one-third of the legendary APO Hiking Society, along with Danny Javier and Boboy Garovillo. You can visit his blog through http://haringliwanag.pansitan.net/
To vote for him click the image below. It will redirect you to nuffnang's page.
Make sure you vote correctly. You dont wanna mimic what I've done.
*I'm humiliating myself* *I'm self-proclaimed dyslexic mind you* :P
P.S. I bought a yellow book. I wanna read the whole of it's content before my examination mainly because I used MY OWN MONEY to pay for it.
I heard those kids saying fuck, damn, shit, bitch & everything nice. Made me wonder if they really know its meaning and if they have any idea how powerful those words are to crush the spirit of a man. By chance, I would use those words to those who are worthy. Yet, the more I try to get even, the more I get defeated. It's like stabbing my back using a knife with my own finger prints on it.
Dear Mikey, how would you feel after reading our love letters? if you haven't heard about it yet, read superbianca's compilation through HERE. My friend Rico said corruption is normal in our country. Our country has been abnormal even before i was born, I wish it's not as awful as I die. If you're feeling sad, depress, frustrated, powerless, dishearten, dreadful, under the weather and everything's going not right. Congratulations, you are not alone.
Dear God, I'm having a hard time. I'm not asking why do I have to live with these unpleasant things just please make it better.
And nam squeaked, “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YOUR HAIR?”
Though Psychiatry book may say, all behavior has a meaning. I honestly don’t know the exact answer why I choose to have short hair in a sudden.
My sister suggested not to make changes on my routines these days as it would theoretically affect my examination performance but oh come on, isn’t breaking the boundaries more exciting? It’s us who writes our destiny anyway.
Speaking of change, I want to thank my friend Otep for allowing me to borrow his book.
Who moved my cheese? by Dr. spencer Johnson is a simple parable that reveals profound truths. It is an amusing and enlightening story of four characters who lives in a maze and look for cheese to nourish them and make them happy. Cheese being a metaphor for what we want in life, whether a relationship, money, slr camera, freedom, achievements and the like. The MAZE represents where we spend time looking for what we want.Each of us has our own idea of what cheese is, and we pursue it because we believe it makes us happy. If we get it, we often become attached to it and if we lose it, or it’s taken away, it can be traumatic.
A story is a bit similar to The Little Prince in which the morals of the story are well hidden in a child like situation.
Aren't we too scared to try something else and move away from our comfort zones. sure it's scary but how can we know what's on the other side? there's always bigger and better out there lah.At times we're too preoccupied with the past and we left us apathetic with the future.Enjoy change, savor the adventure and enjoy the taste of new cheese again and again.Change can be a blessing or a curse, depending on our perspective. Life is an adventure, changes makes it more exciting! .
P.S. Today is 09/09/09 thought to do something special so I post an entry :) Also, it is the 40th day since President Corazon Aquino's death. that's the reason why i'm wearing my ninoy shirt. As coined, Benigno Aquino Jr is a modern Filipino Hero. Parallel to that, there's a reigning modern corrupt family too.
I used to see only BLACK and WHITE. then got blinded with the GREAT LIGHT! COLORS were everywhere. what a BEAUTIFUL LIFE!
Story Behind The Story: There are two musical instruments in our house and I can't play both of them *LOSER*. This piano is placed in front of my study desk a.k.a. spatial territory and whenever i get tired of reading (which usually happens), I often use this and create noise instead of music! I really want to play piano. Aren't the girls playing it look pretty? leh. Another frustration. There are a lot of things that i want to do in the future, but in the meantime...back to work. ugh!
Mahal ka nya, pero may mahal kang iba yung mahal mo naman, May mahal ding iba
Story behind the story: I wrote the lines in filipino because it sounds better. ^^ It means Somebody loves you, yet you love somebody else. On the other hand, that somebody loves someone else too. Don't you think most of us often experience this situation?
P.S. I'll be (though currently I am) very busy until the end of this year. gotta work hard. BUT I don't wanna make this blog a zombie, guess I'll just post some photos that I find interesting such as the one above. Uhg!Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget what my friend spidey told me, "With great power comes great responsibility." This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm SuperPacu! No! I am not having flight of ideas, or am I? anyway... this superhero is on a mission, up up and away!!!
A Spanish and Chinese descent yet hard working mosquitoes sucked much blood made a hundred and one percent Filipina. Thank you for visiting my BLOG and droppin some LOVE. Alzheimer’s runs in our family, according to Time Magazine exercising your brain cells can hinder the disease progress yet Youngcampbell insists too much use of neurons can lead you to psychiatric pavilion.