If you’re quite oriented to the golden rules of photography, let me introduce to you my own golden rule which is to “break the rule”. Here’s a photo I took during a cheer dance competition in our school. So I believe my photo perfectly falls down to my own golden rule. Breaking the rules is not always that bad, it’s not that I’m defending my photo :P. I just love how clearly my subject appeared although he was in motion while taking the photo. I like the blur affect of his dark background too. The color combination was just right. Black and orange. Hmm.. looks familiar? Whooohh?!? My template has orange-black combination, what a coincident! Another thing I love with this photo is the flaming effect of the flag my subject is carrying. If you can’t see that flaming effect I’m talking about. Err.. Can you just pretend you can see it? nyaha!
Here’s another photo I took. The captured confetti really looked cool.
This one is a photo with the cheerleader and a very supportive faculty member. See that big smile and hands holding? Ohh the bliss!
So maybe you’re calling me moron by praising my own photos. Haha! People from these photos were from blazing phoenix team who championed the event while I’m from nursing republic, the team who grabbed the second place. It could be I’m bitter that we lost (I really believe our team’s stunts were the best), so telling my readers how I’m happy to capture these moments is my lame attempt of compensation. Whew! That event was around a year ago. Oh well. I guess I’m just so darn bored and burned out. (I'm writing at the hospital)
It takes 999 shots to have that 1 perfect photo. In short, click lang ng click hanggang makachamba! You’re a genius barty!
pahabol na photos :)

18 Violent Comments:
thanks for visiting Yuli. =)
Young Campbell@Yuli
Como estas??
I don usually speak spanish
hey renise! have a great weekend! :D
hey bernard, i only know few Spanish words. lol
moi bein mi amigo. :D
It's great that you're not a rule-follower. Rules were meant to be broken, but there's reasons why they were there at first place.
I'm not going to lecture you on anything, but here's my opinions:
1. Get a tighter crop. No, I don't mean doing it with software editing. I mean get as close to your subjects as possible. Even if that means stepping out of line, but you don't have to worry about that right since you're not a rule follower.
2. Anticipate the angles and pursue them relentlessly. The second photo was good, but it'll have a lot more impact if you get to the front and capture the expression of the guy holding that thing.
The third photo was great :) Personally I like it better if it was cropped tighter. But that's just me.
rules are there to guide us. a friend of mine once told me :)
guess a good photographer should have quick pair of shoes and rumble against the crowd to have that nice shot.
joyce, thank you so much for writing your opinions. points will be taken. :)i really appreciate it! thanks again!
there is ntg wrong with praising own photos^^ lol... it is a sign of satisfactory
good photos but i feel if u can zoom more on the people's expression.. that will be better. :)
guess i need a telephoto in that case or I'll go near the subject even security guards will run after me. ^^ that you'd be fun. thanks for commenting :)
cool.. i also love photography.. :D by the way, nice shots.. :D
thank you miss anonymous. i'm wondering who you are... hmmmm..... :P
wow.. so bongga you ate pacu.. hehehe..
more power!!
mishoO.. Ü
all i can say is that those photos that you've taken are definitely UNIQUE since you based it on your own style...good job =)..keep it up ate PACU! ^_^ -oniela
I used to photograph extreme sports back in my early teenage years. I was obssessed with my camera at that time and my skateboard. You make me want to pick up a camera again. :)
@kat, your red dress is so bongga too!:D
@thank you oniela
@go pick up your camera teng. it's fun! have fun! :D
hi there..ur picture is nice, may I know what camera are you using? and from the header...is it dslr?what brand ah?
yep, it's an SLR. im was using user friendly CANON! :D
ok na sana eh kaso bakit may t-shirt pa ganun. hayyysssttt!!!
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