Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Filthy Forty #16
Saturday, December 04, 2010
meet naph
I received an early christmas gift from my sister this yuletide season, naph's tripod! I could vividly remember when I spent my vacation in the island of Boracay. I was drooling to take a shot of the seashore during night. The boracay island is full of lights giving me an impression that it never sleeps. Tripod could be very helpful for long exposure captures such as the scene I have mentioned. Anyway, on another note, I am so happy that there is a member from my family that appreciate photography. Anyone can easily appreciate a photograph, but not to its frenzy side. Frenzy side means the technicalities of understanding the mixture of aperture, shutter and ISO. I'm blessed to have a sister who is as crazy (though in a subtle way) as me.
as either totally stupid or absolutely genius.
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Filthy Forty #15
under the surreal starry sky
when candle building lights
dance like evening daffodils
waiting for us to make a wish
a dream will come true tonight
Sunday, November 21, 2010
"Hindi yan langit, hangganan lang yan ng natatanaw ng ating mga mata...
Friday, November 19, 2010
I was finally able to work as examiner. It was four months ago when I had orientation for this job, but I was not able to pursue due to the so called super hero training. After a session as an observer, I had again performed return demonstration to my superior to asses if I' am ready for the job. Then yesterday, at last I became an examiner. I am very grateful to the students assigned to me by the reason of they are very well mannered. They made my task easier.
First Job
If i will write an autobiography, I would be very confuse on what my first job is. When I was grade school, I engaged into selling product... I could remember that my minimum weekly profit was P30. Anyways, I also experience working for my mother by computing expenses (related to work) . Of course, I can never forget my high school days that I sold my assignments and do projects for other people. My high school teacher won't be proud of that, I know.
Now that I'm off from school and trying to fit in in this world ruled by adults, I guess being an examiner is my first job.
First Pay
Technically, the income that I receive from the said part-time job is called honorarium not salary. Anyhow, I can't explain the difference between the two. ekkkk! All i want to say is, it's an amazing feeling that you receive a reward of something that you work hard for.
Not to take anything away from examiners, this job is way far easier than being a superhero. Being a super hero, I mean working as part of the medical team who save lives. In Philippines, the reality is, examiners are far better financially compensated than superheroes. When you're the latter, you have one of the most important jobs in the world because it's all about handling lives, yet you are unfairly compensated. That my friends, is what i can't really understand.
This is not about money, this is about MERIT.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I'll tell you about my first love
what's on my mind,
or what's on my heart,
or something like that.
Friday, November 05, 2010
bow and arrows
Thursday, November 04, 2010
growing young
But I am not too old for words.
I like to string words together if for no other reason than because they sound pretty.
I am not too old for wine in paper cups and an unremembered night every once in a while.
I am not too old to believe in 11:11 or peter pan and to be wowed by the glitter of stars.
I am not too old to read books under my covers with a flashlight,
not too old to stare off into space and dream of the things yet to come.
I’m not too old to get out of here.
Next I am going to take off, write letters back home on paper napkins, make mistakes,
exchange a thousand awkward words with people I have never met, do things I have never done
on my own before.
I may fail miserably time after time…but even if I ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ █ up,
I will never ever give up.
reblogged from bless-your-cotton-socks, edited then posted.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
To Any One
Graduated College at 19
Became a Licensed Professional at 20
There must be something bigger and greater
that will happen in my 21st year of existence
Thanks to everyone who greeted me, you made me feel so old :)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Filthy Forty #14
Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice,
but falling in love with you...I had no control over.
Things may didn't work out, I'm too fly to weep. I'm stronger now.
I'll kiss loneliness goodbye, happy days are here to stay.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Why Travel - Blog Winner!
Creativity/Writing Style 40%
Originality 30%
Overall Impact 30%
Jonel Uy with the help of mystery-judge-no-more Dominic of, who has been blogging for more than two years now and calls his travel blog “Eskapo” announced few days ago the winners of the said contest.

click here for larger view
PS, it should be written as "I was" instead of "I'm was",
guess I was too carefree when I wrote it
Sunday, October 10, 2010
our love story
superbianca, daghang salamat
There are some unpleasant happenings on my life at present but I'd rather talk about the positive ones. Not talking about the "unpleasant happenings" does not mean I'm escaping from it, it's just that I want to give more attention on beautiful things because these are the reasons that gives me strength on fighting the bad days.
One of my posts pretending to be adult was feature on a blog site which is owned by SuperBianca aka television host Bianca Gonzalez. I really admire her blog since it very inspirational plus she features her travel adventures, and witty thing is that she never or rarely talk about her work. Last September was her 7th blog anniversary! Yes! 7 years! To celebrate, she invited her readers to share a moment in their lives that forced them to grow up, and the life lesson learned because of it. I am so happy that she featured my growing up as becoming a superhero story which she called living a daily challenge, this does not only implies as a highlight on my blogging life (hehe) but also SuperBianca became a powerful medium on sharing my story to many people. It's very heartwarming to hear that people are inspired on what I have written.
Through reading her post, she taught me something very moving. " I realized one very important fact of life. you are not alone. you may be going through something very difficult now. you may be hurting. you may be thinking how the hell will you get through this. i will say it again. you are not alone. whether you are going through a quarter life crisis wondering what to do with your life. ... whether you carry a heavy cross every single day of your life. know that you definitely are not alone." -SuperBianca
Quote to share:
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. -Albus Dumbledore
If ever Superbianca will be able to read this, I sincerely thank you.
Monday, October 04, 2010
Filthy Forty #13
Music without Melody,
Sky without Unicorns,
Forest without Fairies,
Ocean without Mermaids,
without you...
the MAGIC is all gone.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Filthy Forty #12
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Racing Line Auto Fest and Motor Fest 2010
My dear turtle alien friend janus joined an event called "The Racing Line Auto Fest and Motor Fest 2010" here in our city, thanks to him I was able to get close (like really close) to those cars displayed and take some good photos. There was a time when I was so busy snapping shots and a security personnel approached me, telling me that I'm not allowed to take shots. Thanks to this almighty I.D., once i showed it to him all he said was sorry, smiled then turned around going back to his post. Thank you so much janus! =)
This is one of my favorite cars, it's yellow (Go USTe! hehe). Can you notice the metallic symbol of transformers? right in the middle! it's there! look closely. If you're a girl and happens to drive this, then you're a cool Chick!
This event was made possible by TheRacingLineTv and the long list of sponsors. For more photos, news and the like, visit TheRacingLineTv on facebook or visit its official website.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Why Travel?
I understand that it’s scary to be in a place that you are not familiar with but are you really satisfied to live a life that everything seems to be a routine? Like every time your clock alarms wake you up, you take a bath, eat breakfast, go to work, then go home, chat a little with friends and family, eat dinner, sleep then wake up again. So where is the fun? Where’s what we call “living the life to the fullest”?, when everything seems to be just the way it is.
Life can be dangerous enough to live but lets seek into something anything but ordinary, life’s too beautiful to go to waste, don’t let the person in you that is full of hesitations and is coward become the reason to get outlived by others. One of the things that scare me is that, I'm gonna die before I get the chance to live the life as I want to. We only get a chance to live (it’s a different case if you believe in reincarnation ), so make the most out of it!
Back to the reason that I mentioned earlier why you ought to travel, I was taking about a significant person that you need to know more than anyone else, his interests and dislikes, his strengths and the things that he need to improve at, most importantly to discover what does he really want in life, his goals and dreams that he wish to achieve. Now, I’m not talking about a knight in his shining armor, this doesn’t involve about having a romantic relationship (but if your suerte, it’s highly likely that you’ll meet the man of your dreams!). In my case I should use the word her instead of his because that significant person that I was talking about is no one else but myself.
Traveling is like a retreat, a time to suppress everything that gives you stress and just focus on things that deserve a bigger issue in your life, like your philosophies and rediscover how beautiful life is. Go and explore the world and get to know your self more!
But before you think of exploring and invading the world wonders, why not discover our own islands. As they say, love our own! Philippine Travels will allow you to be proud that you’re a Filipino, we got one of the best fine white sand beaches worldwide and the friendliest people you’ll ever meet in you whole lifeline!
I ♥ BEACH! I dont really mind if i get charcoal skin tone,
as long as i enjoyed the heat of the sun and the waves of the ocean.
You missed half of your Davao Adventure if you haven't visited Pearl Farm Beach Resort,
take note: the food served are beyond superb, promise!
Meet Black Jones, Fairways and Blue water Boracay's official Tour Guide. IMY buddy!
This entry is a response post for Let’s Go sago! Anniversary contest Part 2. Visit Jonel Uy’s site, the man behind the amazing blog site that promotes travel and food adventures thru here.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Filthy Forty #11
I waited about an hour
just to hear you saying Hi
Whenever we talk, I run out of words
Get tongue tied, Don't know what to say
Don't know how, I don't know why
maybe because you are unfathomably freaking awesome
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Filthy Forty #10
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Laugh (and you'll die)
MANILA, where my Simple wacky wishes came true. :)
#3 For the first time, Chuuuu! Chuuuuu!!

(Note: photo above is from the web)
#2 Gliding on the Rink
#1 My Ultimate travel destination finally came true!
Since I already met my travel goal to visit UST, Henceforth my new ultimate travel destination is BRAZIL. ola Leila! :)
Till the next travel adventure
Sunday, August 15, 2010
It's got to be...
Where can you find an over delicious thin crust, not so greasy, Oh so yummy! Hawaiian Pizza may sound ordinary but its my all time favorite, classic! The sweetness of pineapple chunks blend well with tiny thin squares of ham, added with cheese = moi perfecto!
I was actually craving for spaghetti last week, that's why this post is created. The pasta that reminds me of Ascaris hehe I have this interesting story about ascaris and spaghetti but ill share it to you next time, I know it's improper to talk about it now.
Where can you find very accommodating crew that will treat you so nice just to make you feel the best convenience they can offer? It's got to be in Shakey's! Photo below features one of the restaurant's branches. Located at the public white beach in boat station 2, Boracay Island, Caticlan, Aklan, it's really a fun experience eating my favorite pasta while watching the sun kissing the sea as it sets.
I remember when we were eating, there were some Asians (Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese, I don't know what's thier nationality!) who hardly speak english were patiently attended by a waiter. As the Filipino waiter tried his best to speak in English to get their order, the costumers with unknown nationality were speaking on their native language. Since there's no way that they can understand each other, the waiter spoke using local dialect, after 5 minutes or so, the waiter got their order! Amazing talaga ang mga pinoy!
P.S. You should try Mango shake too... Ohhhhh! I remember the taste! lami kaayo :)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
GBD asks
The Older I get, the More I Realize that life gets more and more complicated. As our age increases, our knowledge broadens, our horizon widens and we tend to care more about what surrounds us. There’s a mixture of pain and love, ups and downs, rainy and sunny days…and that makes life beautiful. We experience situations, that in one way or another, make us a better person.
The Older I get, the More I Realize that people are at the same age. We seek those hopes and dreams that we had when we were young. We find genuine happiness on simple things just like a child. We cry, and we laugh.. A lot. The Older I get, the More I Realize that we are all bunch of kids, pretending to be adults.
Quote to Share:
The more I get older the more I realize that we are never truly adults only children running around in adult bodies -Kendra, one of the founders of Girls by Design
pretending to be adult
Friday, August 06, 2010
Filthy Forty #9
It's funny when we wish of something but when it already landed on our laps, we wish for something else. It's like wanting to be there but don't really wanna go there. Am I as clear as vague?
I've been so hard on myself lately, some small mistakes becomes a big issue. I guess it's because I was raised; anal retentive. Or is it because that's how stress mysteriously affects me psychologically?
IDK, I just want to stay positive although sometimes I'm faking it. ☁
more than anything else, will affect it's success outcome.
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Drop the World
It's like taking a slumber in a desert. With eyes closed, it's serene, smooth, and comfortable but the reality is that there will always be a point in time that the heat of the sun will burn your skin and you'll wake up in pain.
Wide eyes open, there you'll realize that the slumber was just a respite, the reality is... not everything is okay, because in the first place, there's something wrong.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Filthy Forty #8
Anyways, this is a photo I took when my family and I went to Pear Farm. I've been there before but the recent visit is really special because I was with my mother. Ahh... I love her dearly, I want to work hard to give the life she deserves.
till next time guys! don't stress too much, life is tough but we're far more tougher!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Filthy Forty #7
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Loner Traveler
Flying Alone. Few weeks ago, for the first time I rode airplane all by myself. I am somehow a little proud because it is something new and i consider it as an accomplishment (hehe). I was thinking that someday, I want to travel a foreign country alone. You may think I'm a loner (I guess I am, somehow), but I've read from a traveler that she prefers to travel by her self because if you're gonna travel with someone else, all you do is talk to that someone but if you're alone, you're somehow forced to mingled with others, especially to the locals. In that way, you'll have an deep exploration of the place you're visiting. Am i being so defensive with regard to loner issue?

P.S. note: Cabin Crew used to be something that I really want to be yet through series of plane rides, I have come to realize that I am attracted to the job not because I loved to be a flight attendant but because I want to travel, visit places, meet new people and take beautiful photos. Although cabin crew can travel transport free, I prefer to be a tourist because when you're in a vacation you aim to be relaxed, instead of being care free, you're too guarded because you're roaming in a foreign city with your boss. An experience will be a lot different (and way more fun), if you're spending it with people you're very comfortable to be with. But still, i'm dreaming to become a cabin crew. someday. haha!