Feeling a little low these days but trying to see the bright lights from the bad fights. By that I mean, we should find happiness even in small things, don't drown ourselves on the bad things that has been happening. Stay focus on the brighter side. In that way, you can think better, feel better and act better.
There are some unpleasant happenings on my life at present but I'd rather talk about the positive ones. Not talking about the "unpleasant happenings" does not mean I'm escaping from it, it's just that I want to give more attention on beautiful things because these are the reasons that gives me strength on fighting the bad days.
One of my posts pretending to be adult was feature on a blog site which is owned by SuperBianca aka television host Bianca Gonzalez. I really admire her blog since it very inspirational plus she features her travel adventures, and witty thing is that she never or rarely talk about her work. Last September was her 7th blog anniversary! Yes! 7 years! To celebrate, she invited her readers to share a moment in their lives that forced them to grow up, and the life lesson learned because of it. I am so happy that she featured my growing up as becoming a superhero story which she called living a daily challenge, this does not only implies as a highlight on my blogging life (hehe) but also SuperBianca became a powerful medium on sharing my story to many people. It's very heartwarming to hear that people are inspired on what I have written.
Through reading her post, she taught me something very moving. " I realized one very important fact of life. you are not alone. you may be going through something very difficult now. you may be hurting. you may be thinking how the hell will you get through this. i will say it again. you are not alone. whether you are going through a quarter life crisis wondering what to do with your life. ... whether you carry a heavy cross every single day of your life. know that you definitely are not alone." -SuperBianca
Quote to share:
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. -Albus Dumbledore
If ever Superbianca will be able to read this, I sincerely thank you.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
superbianca, daghang salamat
these words|