Sunday, January 31, 2010
To God be the Glory
To the people who sacrificed a lot for my education, my family.
To my friends who were there through good and specially at bad times.
To San Pedro College Community and Mind's Nest Family.
To all the Angels and Saints
To Loving God, my master.
Thank you. Daghang Salamat
This success is for God's greater glory!
*Congratulation sa iba pa na nakapasa! For those who were not able to make it, wika nga ni DOc Arce, "Tandaan, Lalaban pa rin tayo!". Keep your Faith! God has better plans!
*My beloved school ranked 9 nation wide! San Pedro College First timers:93.04%, Repeaters:50%, Over All Performance:91.06%
*San Pedro College thanks giving mass with SPC Pharmacy passers will be held on Wednesday, February 3, 2010 at 4:30pm, SPC gym. Registered Nurses' Oath taking will be on March 10, 2010.
*"Hello awesome" That's the line I always say everyday when I wake up in front of the mirror. Trust me it can attract good Karma (hehe). It adds confidence and strengthens your faith. Try it guys, it works! But of course, this triumph will not happen without God's Grace and Mercy. To God be the glory!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Real Leaf Paparazzi
Rio prefers to drink Real Leaf Green Tea firstly, she strongly believes that this can give her the ability to groove like Gary and Gab Valenciano! (A shot from Real Leaf TVC)
Kidding aside, she wants to try something new and fresh. Refreshing!
And being health conscious, it is good for her mind and body. Wanna know how come? Let me explain to you.
Real Leaf Green Tea is made from 100% whole green tea leaves that are naturally packed with Theanine. Theanine is an organic compound commonly found in tea. Since it can cross the blood-brain barrier, theanine has psychoactive properties that can reduce mental and physical stress and improves cognition and mood. Theanine also increases brain dopamine levels which helps our hearts to contract properly.
Also, it may help the body's immune response to infection by boosting the disease-fighting capacity of T-cells. According to study published in 2003 by the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, anti-bacterial proteins was up to five times higher in the tea-drinkers, an indicator of a stronger immune response. To add, According to a study conducted by researchers at Johns Hopkins University, there were increased levels of theta waves within the hypothalamus, indicating improved cognition and memory by helping people to focus and concentrate.
Nice lah?
This is the end of my post.
Somebody wants to be a paparazzi too!
While playing with my brother in the garden, my sister took some candid photos!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
AVATAR Movie Review
Cast: Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana
Director: James Cameron
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Tagline: Enter the World
Summary: When his brother is killed in battle, paraplegic Marine Jake Sully decides to take his place in a mission on the distant world of Pandora. There he learns of greedy corporate figurehead Parker Selfridge's intentions of driving off the native humanoid "Na'vi" in order to mine for the precious material scattered throughout their rich woodland. In exchange for the spinal surgery that will fix his legs, Jake gathers intel for the cooperating military unit spearheaded by gung-ho Colonel Quaritch, while simultaneously attempting to infiltrate the Na'vi people with the use of an "avatar" identity. While Jake begins to bond with the native tribe and quickly falls in love with the beautiful alien Neytiri, the restless Colonel moves forward with his ruthless extermination tactics, forcing the soldier to take a stand - and fight back in an epic battle for the fate of Pandora. Written by The Massie Twins
Let me start by saying, this is the best movie of 2009. Avatar is one of the few movies that stimulate your photographic memory in which you can vividly remember its stupendous scenes. A movie that although does not give you a hanging ending yet you still want to see more of it. What makes this movie tremendous is not because of the expensive special effects (Reported budget: $240 million.) and not solely because of the great acting skills, it’s because of the right blend of mixing fantastic ingredients. James Cameron knows how to tickle one's mind, he is indeed a genius!
Making this movie more famous are the controversial so called “hidden messages” which are anti-war, pro-environment, and perhaps even racist. I would agree on the first two but I would not entertain the idea of racism. Ha? Where did the critics get that idea? It’s really amazing how this movie connects with millions of people from variety of age groups.
I was aimless lurking around on tumblr and I saw this: [click the image to enlarge]
Hmm.. so Avatar’s story is somehow alike with Pocahontas’. Anyway, Avatar is far better. I love it!
Just now: Avatar officially overtakes Titanic for Global box office record with $1.85 Billion. Mr. Cameron, Adopt me please!
Monday, January 25, 2010
A UFO just landed at SM. That’s my first impression when I first saw SIKAT, the
Meet SIKAT, its car's body is made of a lightweight carbon fibre found in current F1 car model. Its top surface is covered with solar cells, a device that converts the energy of sunlight directly into electricity.
I was busy taking photos of Sikat, when a guy from their team approached me. “Hello, are you a high school student?” I chuckled but cautious not to make it obvious. One of my older sister’s sources of joy is to be called as my younger sister. Apparently, if she was standing beside, she would definitely detest that the guy had said. “a college student?”, he asked again. “Fresh Grad, sir”, I answered. “How do you find SIKAT so far?”, we talked, talked, talked. As I was about to leave, He then asked If I want to have a photo with the solar car. Of course, I said yes.
Here’s a photo with Jeffrey Yu, a student from De La Salle University (DLSU)-
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Sunday, finally a respite! I’m a busy bee! Last week was so hectic. I had class at 9am-4pm and then attend the transcription training program at 6-8:30pm. Good thing I finished my report on time yesterday. Reports are pain in toot. I kept on saying, “when will this be over?” But to think, this is what I’ve always prayed. A busy schedule, become prolific and earn on my own. So instead of saying when will this be over, henceforth, I should use the phrase “keep them coming God, daghang salamat” ☺
Last Wednesday when I was on my way to SPC for a seminar, my father gave me an LBC package. My first thought was that it’s from Giselle, a blogger who posted the back to school promo entry that states that she will give me a book written by Jessica Zafra since it is her blog’s anniversary. I wasn’t convinced before if she’s serious because she’s from
TWISTED 8 ½ I like how Jessica Zafra thinks, she’s insanely cool.
2010 has been very good to me so far, so I thought it’ll be nice to share some blessings. Here are some links where you guys can download mobile medical and English dictionary plus there is also a mobile bible application.
Having a medical dictionary in your mobile is such an advantage. Back when I was a student, whenever we have a debate during medical-surgical seminars, my phone can settle the issues. If you are on duty especially when you are assigned at ICU, you have a dictionary that can save you from your toxic clinical instructor during a dreadful bed side clinic. Some phone models may not be compatible to the applications. I wish it’ll fit on yours. AYOS!
Friday, January 08, 2010
Happy Birthday Campbell!
This site was created on November 2008 though I formally started posting on January 2009. Finally, youngcampbell turns one!
Thank you visitors! Thank you Lurkers! Thank you readers who dropped some love! Thank you strangers who are looking for something yet weren’t able to find it on my blog. Especially to those who are searching some information about Sir Jay-Ar Sta. Ana. I apologize this blog does not say a lot of information about him, you better contact Mind’s
Can I ask you a favor?
Please click the advertisement located at the top of this page.
Daghang Salamat.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
BackFlash! December 2008
Last December 2008, the Community Extension Service – Volunteer Service Providers (CES-VSP), one of our school's organizations conducted a Christmas party for street children entitled “Kasadya, Ikaw at ako, magkasama sa pasko”. Since most of them never experienced Christmas party before, It was a good way to share our blessings.
Gawin ko na siyang Bida. =) This is my boy, can’t remember his name though. I am so poor on remembering names, pwede mag sorry? Anyway, when the emcee asked the kids to chose an ate or kuya as a partner in a game (a term used as a respect for persons older than you), this kid literally dragged me in the middle of the court. I really had fun with him. Since he was so energetic, I allowed him to get down and dirty during the games.Hehe. I was confident that we will win. After the game, a friend of mine gave him a cap. He was so ecstatic! I took this photo. Naks! artistahin na bata.
Here’s a video of the games we had. We played all they long! Find me!
Here's another game. She must break the pot using the wood that she's holding. Instead the pot were candies, coins, and toys.
Kids also shared their talents. Singing. Dancing even acting. There was also a time when they asked us to dance with them. I love to see people dancing but I really can’t dance. I was force to do it with them though, trust me it was very awful, considered as one of my most embarrassing experience. Yay!
That guy in green (photo above) is my good friend Ed, the Organization's President.
Morning Snack. Lunch. Afternoon Snack. Food! We love that of course!
Bunch of Kids! Mga Bulilit, bulilit ang kukulit! :D
Them + me = :) I Looked wasted in the photo lah. Grabe kasi ang bonding namin.

The Kuyas and Ates. Maayong Pasko!
Last Christmas, I was supposed to help my friend’s Christmas Party. Her family annually throws a party during Christmas and invites some less fortunate children. I was not able to go since I went to our province. Sayang! Hmm.. I’ll make sure I will be able to help next time. Lingaw na experience. Nalingaw sad unta mo sa pagbasa!

Sunday, January 03, 2010
People of my year
This idea is from Time Magazine. Originally, I want to post photos for each month of 2009, but I still have no camera yet. Better Luck next year. ya! This is my own version of People of the Year . This is my tribute to people that "for better or for worse, ...have done the most to influence my year. This is hastily done, so I’m limiting the list for 3 slots only. If you’re not on my list, wag magtampo, there’s still next year (or a midyear issue maybe).
Dr. Nestor Arce, Jr. RN, URN, MD, the owner/ president of the nursing review center that I used to attend. He is just brilliant and gifted with unbelievable flair and charm that can sustain the energy of the group throughout the whole session, making his teaching skills effectively superb. Our tatay is well loved by his angels. He managed to give us the best education that he could offer. From one of your angels of Angelus Primero Asencio, Daghang Salamat! You are an angel in disguise.
College Friends, Most of them, I spent almost all of my college life, though friendship is not really necessarily measured by time. I also met some good people (whom I’ve met form school events, club organizations, etc.) that taught me some lessons that I can’t can never learn from school. Now that we’re living apart, striving with different career strategies. No one nor an event can break the shackle of friendship that we’ve created. There are a lot of special people in my life. I prefer not to write down names, scared I might miss out someone because I only have a page to do this. Guys, you know you’re in my ♡. Good Luck Amigos!
Uncle Edwin, he passed away few days before my 20th birthday. That was the most hurtful event of my life so far. My 41 year old onkel suffered from Mitral Valve stenosis. Although his condition was aggravating he showed no sign of disheartenment, only enjoyment of what he had on his remaining days. Despite of having Down syndrome, He showed me how beautiful life is. He’s always there to comfort me and never fail to make me laugh. I’ll surely miss him. See you in heaven. I love you!
Friday, January 01, 2010
A little hope
I'm scared that someone would predict that I would fail in every goals I set.
There's this someone who asked me that he wants to hold her hand,
not to tell something about my future.
I gave a warning that I don't want to hear what lies ahead.
He said he just want to hold my hand.
Although apprehensive, I hold his hand.
*tik tok tik tok* I can feel the warmth of his palm.
He was staring in a corner of the room, made me more uncomfortable.
After a minute or two...
Yuli: ... ??? ...
He: you have high ambitions in life.
Yuli: *smiles* opo, so high, seem impossible to reach.
He: *smiles back*
Yuli: will I make them come true?
He: your hands, use them, you can make them come true.
Keep the faith.
Stay inspired.