This site was created on November 2008 though I formally started posting on January 2009. Finally, youngcampbell turns one!
Thank you visitors! Thank you Lurkers! Thank you readers who dropped some love! Thank you strangers who are looking for something yet weren’t able to find it on my blog. Especially to those who are searching some information about Sir Jay-Ar Sta. Ana. I apologize this blog does not say a lot of information about him, you better contact Mind’s NestReviewCenter staffs, they know him better than I do. Thank you nuffnang, the best advertising community! Finally, you gave my blog an advertisement. You made one of my dreams come true. Tee-hee! To my sister Rio, who said my blog is corny. You looked so funny when you saw the page saying that I already earn P1.56 through blogging. Bleh! When you go abroad, sorry dear you are forced to read my blogs to get updates of your evil rat sister. Thank you fellow-bloggers, especially those who are listed on Schindler’s Blog List, you make blog reading fun! I don’t want to name names, I might miss someone, baka may mag tampo. You know who you are, diba?
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Daghang Salamat.
Miss scribbledoodlesquiggle also celebrates her blog's first anniversary. Visit her site through this link. Daghang salamat! :D
A Spanish and Chinese descent yet hard working mosquitoes sucked much blood made a hundred and one percent Filipina. Thank you for visiting my BLOG and droppin some LOVE. Alzheimer’s runs in our family, according to Time Magazine exercising your brain cells can hinder the disease progress yet Youngcampbell insists too much use of neurons can lead you to psychiatric pavilion.