Shared by MR. Macho man, trainer ni Manny PAKYAW: *drum roll* LUCKY ALFRED "YAT" YAP! haha (special mention) :P (thank you for sharing, i enjoyed it. A LOT)
Here is a 3-part independent short film from Wong Fu Productions.
Part One - The Problem (to view the video click HERE)
Nick is the nice guy we all know. He's polite, considerate, friendly...and single. In this first part of the 3-part series, Nick explains his frustration with being the nice guy, and tries to figure out if there's anyway to get the girl he likes, Amy, to see him as anything other than, "a nice guy"
Part Two - The Lesson (to view the video click HERE)
Nick is the nice guy we all know. He's polite, considerate, friendly...and single. In this second part of the 3-part series, Nick takes his friend's advice and tries to show Amy, the girl he likes, that he's not a typical "nice guy". When his efforts get him nowhere, Kristen, Amy's good friend, teaches Nick what it truly means to make someone feel special.
Part Three - The Risk (to view the video click HERE)
Nick is the nice guy we all know. He's polite, considerate, friendly...and single. In this third and final part of the series, Nick has to decide whether to preserve the friendship he has with Amy by not telling her how he really feels, or to take the chance and reveal it all.
The thing is, people (males and females) would tend to label some of their gender counterpart as strictly friends. Sometimes, its gross just even thingking the idea that you and him would be together, it is something doing immoral. And for nice guys/girls shoes, isn't it very uncomforatble talking with someone you like, talking about the person they like? The feeling of you're not taken seriously. hmm...
"Just a Nice Guy" is a fictional story with fictional characters and situations. Though based on certain truths, the circumstances and conclusion in the story are strictly for entertainment purposes. Please do not let the preceding video influence you to make irrational discussion causing you to mess up a good friendship you have with a guy or a girl . Use your own discretion when dealing with close friends and "feelings" thank you =) -Wong FU Productions
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Just a Nice Guy