Sunday, January 03, 2010

People of my year

Bonjour! 您好! Hallo! Ola! こんにちは! Mabuhay!

This idea is from Time Magazine. Originally, I want to post photos for each month of 2009, but I still have no camera yet. Better Luck next year. ya! This is my own version of People of the Year . This is my tribute to people that "for better or for worse, ...have done the most to influence my year. This is hastily done, so I’m limiting the list for 3 slots only. If you’re not on my list, wag magtampo, there’s still next year (or a midyear issue maybe).

Dr. Nestor Arce, Jr. RN, URN, MD, the owner/ president of the nursing review center that I used to attend. He is just brilliant and gifted with unbelievable flair and charm that can sustain the energy of the group throughout the whole session, making his teaching skills effectively superb. Our tatay is well loved by his angels. He managed to give us the best education that he could offer. From one of your angels of Angelus Primero Asencio, Daghang Salamat! You are an angel in disguise.

College Friends, Most of them, I spent almost all of my college life, though friendship is not really necessarily measured by time. I also met some good people (whom I’ve met form school events, club organizations, etc.) that taught me some lessons that I can’t can never learn from school. Now that we’re living apart, striving with different career strategies. No one nor an event can break the shackle of friendship that we’ve created. There are a lot of special people in my life. I prefer not to write down names, scared I might miss out someone because I only have a page to do this. Guys, you know you’re in my ♡. Good Luck Amigos!

Uncle Edwin, he passed away few days before my 20th birthday. That was the most hurtful event of my life so far. My 41 year old onkel suffered from Mitral Valve stenosis. Although his condition was aggravating he showed no sign of disheartenment, only enjoyment of what he had on his remaining days. Despite of having Down syndrome, He showed me how beautiful life is. He’s always there to comfort me and never fail to make me laugh. I’ll surely miss him. See you in heaven. I love you!